So lets talk about you. Who are you? What are your likes/dislikes? What makes your heart happy? Favorite food? Music? How do you feel when asked questions about yourself? If you are anything like me these type of questions put me into a complete state of fear, blank stare, if you saw me I would honestly look like a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car...frozen.
I realized I had no idea... I mean usual answers were I am a mom, my kids and my family make me happy. Favorite food was most likely whatever I had eaten recently that I could remember enjoying ( usually because it was hot or cooked by someone else) Music..... well I always went to whatever those around me happened to be into at that moment in time. Can you relate? It hurt to finally realize I had no idea who I was or what truly made my heart happy. As a people pleaser I went with what made everyone else happy around me, adjusted and adapted to please others. Not to say my kids don't bring me joy and being a mom isn't who I am, but it's not everything! I was a person before that and still am, but somewhere along the way I lost it.... or did I even ever TRULY know?
Throughout my awakening, or journey of personal growth, listening to my own intuition, going through events that caused me to sink into depression... however you want to call it. I decided I was going to figure out who the heck I was and own her, be her, love her, embrace her and gosh darn it...trust her and make sure she never forgets again who she is, or how worthy she is of living a life including all the things that make HER happy! Sounded a bit overwhelming and intimidating... but with this new found fight and determination off I went in search of authentic me!
So let's be honest... as I write this today I am still on the search. But not because I haven't discovered and uncovered a lot of truths but because we need to understand this is a process. There are layers and layers of crap covering up who we truly are. I will say though if you haven't started yet or this is resonating with you..... START, you will not regret it! There are some not so great days, it is a bit of a rollercoaster ride. The lows can be really low and heavy! I just don't sit in it as long as I used to or let it sink me. And that is a HUGE win as far as I am concerned. On the flip side the highs are going higher and higher, lighter and lighter! I actually want to talk about who I am and what I like now.
Living authentically is living in alignment, your soul already knows what it needs to thrive. When we live out of alignment life is more difficult, there is more heart ache, struggles, things don't flow and we may even feel like we are just sitting on a broken record repeating the same mistakes over and over again. What if I told you that is the universe trying to guide you, warn you or steer you in the right direction? What if I told you there are signs and guidance all around you? You are not stuck and you are not alone, there is a way to live authentically and it comes with more ease and grace. You just need to be willing to do the work, listen to your intuition, feel with your heart, and be open to receive. This is not to say when you live authentically everything will be perfect.... because this human experience is not meant to be a perfect one. But you will find situations much easier to navigate, abundance of love and joy will flow more naturally to you.
Take some time to ask yourself questions, feel, listen to your heart, your intuition! Breathe and ask does this feel right for me, if not let it go! Journal and try adding in as much of the things that truly make you happy into your daily life. Start small, you will start to notice its the most simple things in life that bring the most joy!
If you haven't checked out the monthly workshop for Lotus Members on Authentically You, I would recommend checking it out. The weekly prompts were created to stir up the real you, the true you, all of you! It has been incredible to reflect and journal, reminding you how simple it can be to can incorporate all the things that bring joy into your life. So what are you waiting for? Do not doubt yourself you are a beautiful soul, full of light and love! Let your light shine bright and BE YOU, the real you...the world needs more of that! Thanks for reading! If this resonates or you'd like to share your story or experience... drop a comment below.
Jessie C.